Guests are invited to meet our family of horses, dogs, and dairy cows and to explore our working farm with historic barns and out-buildings, new farm infrastructure, trails, paths, garden, scenic views, improvement projects, and other amenities for guest enjoyment and sight-seeing always underway.
In 2017 we began the long, complicated relocation from SE Ohio. Our move is restoring horses, dairy cows, laying hens, tractors and other farm equipment to what had long been a fallow farm. In 2024, we'll continue to make critical improvements to our neglected historic structures including continuing the heavy labor of relaying the dry granite foundation on the small barn, replacing several improtant structural members within our large barn, building stalls in our large barn, improving grazing space, expanding our fruit and vegetable garden, various energy efficiency projects,and starting to errect our 40x75’ solar-generating tractor maintenance and hay sheds. We'll also continue to relocate our construction equipment and countless unique and salvaged building materials for use in our sustainable, farm-based business ventures.
We currently have our laying flock (about 150 hens and 30 roosters), seven dogs, eight horses and five ponies, family cows (Dandy, Breezy, Cinderella, and Lucinda) and their calves (Sunny, Petunia, and Cookie), an ever-changing gang of young steers, and Pursey, our A2/A2 jersey bull.
We keep past and future guests updated with loads of photos and tales of (mis)adventure through our "farm journal" on our Facebook page. Be the hippest person around, follow our progress and show your love for sustainable farming and family businesses by liking and sharing with your friends!