
~ Last Weeks of Summer 2020 ~
Our favorite weeks of the year captured in beautiful photos and short video segments.

~ 100 Favorite Moments of 2019 ~
A journal of 2019 at our Inn on Lake Champlain, in photos and short videos.

~ End of Summer Vacation ~
A farm is a place where one can heal from any heartache...
...A place where it's easy to be optimistic,
To leave the past where it belongs.
Even on the worst of days,
a farm is a beautiful place to heal.

~ Summer Lovin' 2019 ~
One-hundred-seventeen-thousand pounds of hay, a new baby, garden progress, historic barn rehab, and - as always - tractor woes!

~ Life on our Farm 2018 ~
The accomplishments and failures of 2018 on our 440 acre Adirondack Farm. From homemade cheese and insulated curtains, to new chicks and hay, tractor woes, new calves, and historic barn rehab.

~ October 2018 ~
All the reasons we love October in the Adirondacks - from the beautiful autumn colors to the delightful surprise of the some new babies on the farm. And, perfect weather - cool mornings and warm, sunny afternoons - to enjoy it all.

~ End of Summer Vacation ~
A compilation of some adorable photos and videos from the last days of summer vacation.
Our summer comes to a close with more beautiful, agrarian landscape shots, candid photos of the kiddos as they learn to care for our livestock, train horses, and host B&B.

~ Godzilla's New Wheel ~
Our John Deere 2750 finally got a replacement rim! Here's how!
Finding this rim took countless hours and dozens of phone calls. We went back and forth constantly between trying to find a used rim in good condition (extremely rare) and trying to get one custom fabricated. Finally, our friend Rick, was able to find one!
~ A Week in the Adirondacks ~
A week doesn't go by without some added excitement. This week it came when an osprey nest on our farm collapsed onto the electric lines below it. Two of three fledglings survived the fall uninjured; the injured bird was delivered to a local bird sanctuary by some tourists who discovered and extinguished the burning nest.
We put the other two and some of their nest in a cardboard box on our barn ramp. A day went by and we realized that the parents were too frightened to tend their fallen offspring in the location we selected. Luckily, National Grid was able to come, install a platform at the original nest site, and place the two youngsters back where they belonged.
The adults quickly returned to feed their young and hastily teach some flying lessons.

~ Hello Summer 2018!!! ~
Photos from the late spring and early summer of 2018.
We worked deligently to get our hay rolled up, care for our laying hens, get the horses started under saddle again, and rehab an injured fawn.

~ It's Spring 2018! ~
A video celebrating motherhood and rebirth; featuring all our best photos and video clips of farming with little ones in springtime.
From the first hints of spring when the snow begins to melt and the hens begin to lay to the last of the spring chicks.
~ 2017 at The Inn on Lake Champlain ~
A collection of the best and worst moments as we uproot our farm from SE Ohio to The Adirondacks (Upstate NY).
Loads of before and after photos and video segments of our new life, farming, and opening a sustainable B&B in a historic Victorian farmhouse on 440 acres overlooking Lake Champlain.
Our work included redecorating and repairing the interior of the historic B&B - from painting and refinishing to plumbing and electrical repairs. Outside, we rehabilitated hay meadows, cleared brush and built fence on 40 acres. We relocated livestock - 7 horses, 3 dairy cows, and a bull. Otherwise, we were improving the landscaping, building hen houses, and starting work on our garden plot. We did some minimal work to hold our historic farm structures up for another year.
Along with all the daily adventures of raising two wild little ones, milking cows, churning butter, and greeting guests, we took the time to shoot some video and take some photos of all that was amazing and beautiful in life!

~ 2017 Promo Video by WCNY ~
This short promo video was created by WCNY PBS - as part of their travel auction fundraiser.